Wednesday, July 6, 2011


“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”
~Thomas J. Peters

 Magic by Linus Bohman

Yesterday, I shared a video about trying a new challenge for the next 30 days. The video compelled me to think about how I could challenge myself over the next month. I decided that my focus will be on finding and recording those "magic moments" of life...on a daily basis. 

About ten years ago, I purchased a CD series by Anthony Robbins entitled "Get the Edge." One of the ideas that he focused on was how great life really is. On this CD, he talked about "magic moments" and the power of remembering them. The purpose behind my 30-day challenge is to live intentionally and to choose to focus on what’s right instead of what’s not. 

The idea is to seek out and find "magic moments" each day. These are not typically those profound, life-altering events, although they could be. Rather, these are moments that happen and are gone in a wisp. A "magic moment" can be as simple as a kind word someone spoke to you, the sound of a bird singing in the early morning, or a momentary feeling of euphoria.  

The best way to think of a "magic moment" is this: when it happens, you know it. No one can define it for you. In fact, to another person this event might not be magical at all.

Here are the steps for my 30-day challenge   

STEP 1: For the next 30 days, I challenge you and me to find at least one or two "magic moments" each day and record them. You can do this in a special notebook or on your phone. Where you record them is not important...being sure that you do record them is.

To find and remember those magic moments, you must be on the look out for them. Walk in expectation that something special could happen at any moment. That’s what it means to live an intentional life.

If we record one or two "magic moments" that occur every day from now until the end of July, we will have a list of approximately 45 "magic moments." 

STEP 2: At the end of July, we will review our list and select the top 10-15 magic moments from the month. 

There is power in this exercise. I will write about this more tomorrow, but in 2006, I decided to record the events of each day on a template worksheet. Although it was challenging, I still have those sheets. When I occasionally look over them, I can remember exactly the instant when many of my "magic moments" occurred. It is a powerful means of celebrating and remembering life. 

So, what are you waiting for? Jump into this challenge and record your "magic moments" for the next 25 days. You might be surprised at just how dynamic this little exercise can be. Even if you don’t choose to try this activity, I hope you have chosen something for your 30-day challenge. 

QUESTION: What is a recent magic moment in your life?


Philipp Knoll said...

I love the idea for this challenge as it could be a true eye opener. I can't promise that I will note down a moment each day but I'll do my best to participate. So count me in. I guess it takes some training to getting used to to actually slow down and begin to see the special moments each day holds again.

Its a great idea and I'm looking forward to the results you'll be sharing!

Anonymous said...

Recently, I was at a picnic with some old friends from my old hometown. One of my former youth group leaders shared how much I had impacted him while I was a teenager. I was blown away. This was definitely a magical moment that I won't soon forget.

Jason said...

@Philipp - It definitely takes effort, but remembering the "magic moments" can be powerful.

@Jon - You probably won't forget what he said anyway, but remembering those moments 5 or 10 years later is really special. Thanks for the comment.